weird behavior with ppsd

I'm trying to calculate ppsd values on an infrasound channel. The
same exact code works flawlessly on typical 100 Hz seismic data and
has a ppsd similar to what would be expected. Strangely, the ppsd
comes out to be exactly 50 dB everywhere below the Nyquist. If I
filter the data using a bandpass filter, then the ppsd has values that
are not 50 dB, but only outside the passband of the filter. The data
looks normal when plotting, and when removing the instrument response
with simulate. I've tried the ppsd with is_rotational_data=True
(which keeps the code from using the poles and zeroes) and the same
results occur. Here is some output:

print tr.stats

         network: HV
         station: AHUD
        location: 03
         channel: BDF
       starttime: 2012-10-02T00:00:00.010000Z
         endtime: 2012-10-02T01:00:01.010000Z
   sampling_rate: 40.0
           delta: 0.025
            npts: 144041
           calib: 1.0


{'digitizer_gain': 1.0,
'gain': 0.291944,
'poles': [(-1190+0j), (-0.157+3e-06j), (-0.157-3e-06j), (-0.157+0j)],
'seismometer_gain': 0.0097,
'sensitivity': 6104.47,
'zeros': [0j, 0j, 0j, (-4080+0j)]}


Out[122]: 25

print ppsd.get_percentile()

(array([ 3.69553048e-02, 4.03000457e-02, 4.39475115e-02,
         4.79251011e-02, 5.22626933e-02, 5.69928712e-02,
         6.21511667e-02, 6.77763279e-02, 7.39106097e-02,
         8.06000914e-02, 8.78950229e-02, 9.58502022e-02,
         1.04525387e-01, 1.13985742e-01, 1.24302333e-01,
         1.35552656e-01, 1.47821219e-01, 1.61200183e-01,
         1.75790046e-01, 1.91700404e-01, 2.09050773e-01,
         2.27971485e-01, 2.48604667e-01, 2.71105312e-01,
         2.95642439e-01, 3.22400366e-01, 3.51580092e-01,
         3.83400809e-01, 4.18101547e-01, 4.55942970e-01,
         4.97209334e-01, 5.42210623e-01, 5.91284878e-01,
         6.44800731e-01, 7.03160183e-01, 7.66801617e-01,
         8.36203093e-01, 9.11885939e-01, 9.94418668e-01,
         1.08442125e+00, 1.18256976e+00, 1.28960146e+00,
         1.40632037e+00, 1.53360323e+00, 1.67240619e+00,
         1.82377188e+00, 1.98883734e+00, 2.16884249e+00,
         2.36513951e+00, 2.57920292e+00, 2.81264073e+00,
         3.06720647e+00, 3.34481237e+00, 3.64754376e+00,
         3.97767467e+00, 4.33768499e+00, 4.73027902e+00,
         5.15840585e+00, 5.62528147e+00, 6.13441294e+00,
         6.68962474e+00, 7.29508751e+00, 7.95534934e+00,
         8.67536997e+00, 9.46055804e+00, 1.03168117e+01,
         1.12505629e+01, 1.22688259e+01, 1.33792495e+01,
         1.45901750e+01, 1.59106987e+01, 1.73507399e+01,
         1.89211161e+01, 2.06336234e+01, 2.25011259e+01,
         2.45376518e+01, 2.67584990e+01, 2.91803501e+01,
         3.18213974e+01, 3.47014799e+01, 3.78422322e+01,
         4.12672468e+01, 4.50022517e+01, 4.90753035e+01,
         5.35169980e+01, 5.83607001e+01, 6.36427947e+01,
         6.94029598e+01, 7.56844643e+01, 8.25344936e+01,
         9.00045035e+01, 9.81506070e+01, 1.07033996e+02,
         1.16721400e+02, 1.27285589e+02, 1.38805920e+02,
         1.51368929e+02, 1.65068987e+02, 1.80009007e+02,
         1.96301214e+02, 2.14067992e+02, 2.33442800e+02,
         2.54571179e+02, 2.77611839e+02, 3.02737857e+02,
         3.30137974e+02, 3.60018014e+02, 3.92602428e+02,
         4.28135984e+02, 4.66885601e+02, 5.09142358e+02,
         5.55223678e+02]), array([-147. , -75.5, -55.5, -50. ,
-50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ,
        -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. , -50. ]))

Here is the code:
from obspy.earthworm import Client
from obspy.core import UTCDateTime
from obspy.core import Stream
from obspy.xseed import Parser
from obspy.signal import PPSD, cornFreq2Paz, pazToFreqResp, cosTaper
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
client = Client("", 16022)
response = client.availability(network='HV', station='AHUD',
channel='BDF', location='03')
seedvol = 'ahud.seed'
parser = Parser(seedvol)
t1 = UTCDateTime(2012,10,1,0,0,0,0)
t2 = UTCDateTime(2012,10,2,0,0,0,0)
tNow = t1
while (t2-tNow >= 0):
  # Get data
  st = client.getWaveform(response[0][0], response[0][1],
response[0][2], response[0][3], tNow, tNow+3601)
  if len(st) != 0:
    tr = st[0]
    paz = parser.getPAZ(
    if t1 == tNow:
      # Initialize ppsd
      ppsd = PPSD(tr.stats, paz, is_rotational_data=False)
  tNow = tNow + 3600
# Plot ppsd
ppsd.plot(show_noise_models=False, show_percentiles=False )

Any insight into what I'm doing wrong would be much appreciated,

Weston Thelen
Seismic Network Manager
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
USGS HVO Bldg. 336
Hawaii National Park, HI 96718-0051
(808) 967-8803

Hi Wes,

I think the problem merely is that I originally set the range for the dB
histogram bins to fixed bounds of -50/-200 (same as PQLX), which is fine
for seismometer data. All values above/below are clipped. I did not
expect so many users with different data (first rotations, now
infrasound) popping up, honestly.. :wink:

Anyway, in the recent developer snapshot I already have an option to
PPSD() to control the binning: db_bins=[-200, -50, 0.5], also see

At the moment this is not included in the last stable release,
unfortunately, so you would have to resort to the developer version at
the moment (or hack it directly in the code of your obspy install if
you're confident to do so.. see
