Trouble Installing Obspy for Windows

Hello Windows Obspy Users!

I call on you to help me though this rough process of installing Obspy on a Windows machine correctly. I will walk you through what I have done thus far, and hopefully you could provide some insight for how to correctly go forward in using this great package.

  1. The Python version that I was first using was Python 2.7.6, and I installed Obspy using the link provided here:

I don’t believe it recognized that I had already installed 2.7.6, so my first question is, could the above version of Obspy work on 2.7.6 or only 2.7.2 and previous versions? I went back to the installer for Python 2.7.6 and ‘repaired’ the install, so now I can use IDLE (Python GUI) to create the scripts.

  1. Once I install Obspy, it creates a folder , Obspy, containing the following folders: “Include, Lib, obspy, Scripts, tcl”. Within the folder Obspy\obspy contains the directories for arclink, core, datamark, etc., through xseed.

Now I have put this Obspy folder in Python27\Lib\site-packages. I do not think this is correct, since when I write the first line of a script, from obspy import read, the following error occurs:

from obspy import read

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “<pyshell#0>”, line 1, in
from obspy import read
ImportError: No module named obspy

So, I believe I am not doing a step during the install process that is very basic, but I could not find any information that could help me in the obspy documentation. Am I putting the Obspy package in the correct folder? Could a Windows users possibly walk through the steps from the installation of Obspy to reading a waveform file?

Thank you for your help/advice


Hello Brenn,

I assume you use the installer - Python and all dependencies should be
installed automatically with it i fneeded. Also this will create a so
called "virtual environment" - an isolated Python environments just
for ObsPy within your home directory.

So make sure you run the installer as Administrator - after the
installation check your start menu for a new Obspy entry - there
should be a link "ObsPy Shell" - try there "from obspy import read"

Regarding your questions underneath:

1. ObsPy should run on Python 2.6.x and Python 2.7.x - the Installer
should check for an exiting Python installation and use that - if
Python can't be found it will install Python 2.7.2

2. Don't move those files - its part of the virtual environment


Hello Windows Obspy Users!

I call on you to help me though this rough process of installing
Obspy on a Windows machine correctly. I will walk you through what
I have done thus far, and hopefully you could provide some insight
for how to correctly go forward in using this great package.

1. The Python version that I was first using was Python 2.7.6, and
I installed Obspy using the link provided here:
Create new page · obspy/obspy Wiki · GitHub.

I don't believe it recognized that I had already installed 2.7.6,
so my first question is, could the above version of Obspy work on
2.7.6 or only 2.7.2 and previous versions? I went back to the
installer for Python 2.7.6 and 'repaired' the install, so now I can
use IDLE (Python GUI) to create the scripts.

2. Once I install Obspy, it creates a folder , Obspy, containing
the following folders:/"Include, Lib, obspy, Scripts, tcl". /
Within the folder Obspy\obspy contains the directories for
/arclink, core, datamark, etc., /through/xseed. / / / Now I have
put this /Obspy/ folder in /Python27\Lib\site-packages. /I do not
think this is correct, since when I write the first line of a
script, /from obspy import read/, the following error occurs:

from obspy import read

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in
<module> from obspy import read ImportError: No module named obspy

So, I believe I am not doing a step during the install process that
is very basic, but I could not find any information that could help
me in the obspy documentation. Am I putting the Obspy package in
the correct folder? Could a Windows users possibly walk through
the steps from the installation of Obspy to reading a waveform

Thank you for your help/advice


_______________________________________________ obspy-users mailing

- --
Dr. Robert Barsch

EGU Office Munich
Luisenstr. 37
80333 Munich

Phone: +49-89-21806565
Fax: +49-89-218017855

Hello Brenn,

I assume you use the installer - Python and all dependencies should be
installed automatically with it if needed. Also this will create a so
called "virtual environment" - an isolated Python environments just
for ObsPy within your home directory.

So make sure you run the installer as Administrator - after the
installation check your start menu for a new Obspy entry - there
should be a link "ObsPy Shell" - try there "from obspy import read"

Regarding your questions underneath:

1. ObsPy should run on Python 2.6.x and Python 2.7.x - the Installer
should check for an exiting Python installation and use that - if
Python can't be found it will install Python 2.7.2

2. Don't move those files - its part of the virtual environment


Hello Windows Obspy Users!

I call on you to help me though this rough process of installing
Obspy on a Windows machine correctly. I will walk you through what
I have done thus far, and hopefully you could provide some insight
for how to correctly go forward in using this great package.

1. The Python version that I was first using was Python 2.7.6, and
I installed Obspy using the link provided here:
Create new page · obspy/obspy Wiki · GitHub.

I don't believe it recognized that I had already installed 2.7.6,
so my first question is, could the above version of Obspy work on
2.7.6 or only 2.7.2 and previous versions? I went back to the
installer for Python 2.7.6 and 'repaired' the install, so now I can
use IDLE (Python GUI) to create the scripts.

2. Once I install Obspy, it creates a folder , Obspy, containing
the following folders:/"Include, Lib, obspy, Scripts, tcl". /
Within the folder Obspy\obspy contains the directories for
/arclink, core, datamark, etc., /through/xseed. / / / Now I have
put this /Obspy/ folder in /Python27\Lib\site-packages. /I do not
think this is correct, since when I write the first line of a
script, /from obspy import read/, the following error occurs:

from obspy import read

Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in
<module> from obspy import read ImportError: No module named obspy

So, I believe I am not doing a step during the install process that
is very basic, but I could not find any information that could help
me in the obspy documentation. Am I putting the Obspy package in
the correct folder? Could a Windows users possibly walk through
the steps from the installation of Obspy to reading a waveform

Thank you for your help/advice


_______________________________________________ obspy-users mailing

- --
Dr. Robert Barsch

EGU Office Munich
Luisenstr. 37
80333 Munich

Phone: +49-89-21806565
Fax: +49-89-218017855