Hello everyone,
I have traces with start times differing in microseconds with the same onsets calculated by rfstats(). When I cut around the onsets, start times do not align which is problematic for the RF calculation. Not sure why this happens as I am cutting around the same point for all traces. What am I missing? Could it be related to the number of samples?
I’ve seen suggestions of using interpolation method, but not quite sure how to use it (and I would prefer not to alter the signal). I was wondering if there is another solution to this problem?
print("\nOld Starttime:")
for tr in st:
print(tr.id, tr.stats.starttime)
for tr in st:
print(tr.id, tr.stats.onset)
print("\nNew Starttime:")
for tr in st:
print(tr.id, tr.stats.starttime)
3 Trace(s) in Stream:
HP.SERG…HHE | -62.4s - 179.1s onset:2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z | 100.0 Hz, 24149 samples | mag:3.7 dist:0.1 baz:160.9 slow:8.62
HP.SERG…HHN | -62.4s - 179.0s onset:2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z | 100.0 Hz, 24145 samples | mag:3.7 dist:0.1 baz:160.9 slow:8.62
HP.SERG…HHZ | -64.7s - 179.6s onset:2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z | 100.0 Hz, 24437 samples | mag:3.7 dist:0.1 baz:160.9 slow:8.62
Old Starttime:
HP.SERG…HHE 2011-09-27T06:15:08.912700Z
HP.SERG…HHN 2011-09-27T06:15:08.880700Z
HP.SERG…HHZ 2011-09-27T06:15:06.564500Z
HP.SERG…HHE 2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z
HP.SERG…HHN 2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z
HP.SERG…HHZ 2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z
New Starttime:
HP.SERG…HHE 2011-09-27T06:16:01.302700Z
HP.SERG…HHN 2011-09-27T06:16:01.310700Z
HP.SERG…HHZ 2011-09-27T06:16:01.304500Z
3 Trace(s) in Stream:
HP.SERG…HHE | -10.0s - 30.0s onset:2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z | 100.0 Hz, 4001 samples | mag:3.7 dist:0.1 baz:160.9 slow:8.62
HP.SERG…HHN | -10.0s - 30.0s onset:2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z | 100.0 Hz, 4001 samples | mag:3.7 dist:0.1 baz:160.9 slow:8.62
HP.SERG…HHZ | -10.0s - 30.0s onset:2011-09-27T06:16:11.306401Z | 100.0 Hz, 4001 samples | mag:3.7 dist:0.1 baz:160.9 slow:8.62