Hi Megies,
I must acknowledge that my post may have led to some confusion, and I sincerely apologize for any misunderstanding caused. The error arises during the merging of different types of endian data. Here’s the procedure to replicate the error:
from obspy.core import read
# make different endian sacfile
st = read()
st = st[0]
starttime = st.stats.starttime
first_part = st.copy()
first_part = first_part.trim(starttime, starttime + 5)
first_part.write("first.sac", format = "SAC", byteorder = "<")
second_part = st.copy()
second_part = second_part.trim(starttime + 5, starttime + 10)
first_part.write("second.sac", format = "SAC", byteorder = ">")
# merge them
st = read("first.sac")
st += read("second.sac")
st.merge(method = 1)
The output will be
/home/junliu/anaconda3/envs/obspy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obspy/core/stream.py:3037: UserWarning: Incompatible traces (sampling_rate, dtype, ...) with same id detected. Doing nothing.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/junliu/test.py", line 21, in <module>
st.merge(method = 1)
File "/home/junliu/anaconda3/envs/obspy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obspy/core/stream.py", line 2037, in merge
File "/home/junliu/anaconda3/envs/obspy/lib/python3.11/site-packages/obspy/core/stream.py", line 1981, in _merge_checks
raise Exception(msg)
Exception: Can't merge traces with same ids but differing data types!
If we print the dtype and typename for two streams
print("first datatype {}, and second datatype {} ".format(st[0].data.dtype, st[1].data.dtype))
print("first typename {}, and second typename {} ".format(st[0].data.dtype.name, st[1].data.dtype.name))
The output will be
first datatype float32, and second datatype >f4
first typename float32, and second typename float32
So that is the reason why I said maybe we should enforce the endian to follow the system when reading SAC format files to prevent this error from occurring. Is there any special reason for preserving the endian status when reading the SAC format data?