
It appears that the phase “ScScS” (i.e., not ScSScS or ScS2) is a valid phase for phase_list. This is also the case for Philip Crotwell’s TauP codes. The taup_time output for:

prompt> taup_time -mod ak135 -ph ScS,ScScS,ScSScS -h 0 -deg 0

Model: ak135
Distance Depth Phase Travel Ray Param Takeoff Incident Purist Purist
(deg) (km) Name Time (s) p (s/deg) (deg) (deg) Distance Name

0.00     0.0   ScS       935.77     0.000      0.00     0.00     0.00   = ScS   
0.00     0.0   ScScS    1265.67     0.000      0.00     0.00     0.00   = ScScS 
0.00     0.0   ScSScS   1871.54     0.000      0.00     0.00     0.00   = ScSScS

Just for the record, the fix for this issue in my java code is here:

and the fix will be in the next release.