Seismic noise spectrogram

I want to plot a spectrogram of the seismic noise for one year or more. I am using mseed files (24 hours). I used the specgram function of matplotlib for processing a 1 hour data window, but I do not know how to concatenate the data in order to have the spectrogram for one year. With my code I just can compute the spectrogram for 1 hour each time.

I know I can plot the spectrogram for large amounts of data with the function ppsd.plot_specgram but I guess this function computes the spectrogram using the McNamara method and I want to apply the Welch method in order to have a spectrogram with more resolution. If someone have a code or know how to fix mine, I will appreciate it, I am new with these topics.

Number of points of windows and overlap for PSD calculation

nfft = 2**15
windlap = 0.5
count = 0 # count the number of traces in the stream

Read frequency response file

inv = read_inventory(“RESP.CW.RCC.00.HHZ”)
filt = [0.009, 0.01, 40, 45]

file_psd = os.listdir() # import the names of all the mseed files
for file in file_psd:
if file.startswith(“CW”):
st = read(file)
name_file = file.split(“.”) #select from the filename the julian day
jday = name_file[6]
st.remove_response(inventory=inv, pre_filt = filt) #remove frequency response

Set the start time Jdays

stime = UTCDateTime("2020-"+jday+"T00:00:00") 
etime = stime + 3600

hour = range(0, 24) # for processing each 24 hours of the mseed file
for i in hour:
  if len(st) == 0: # in case there is no data in the 1 hour stream
   stime = etime
   etime = stime + 3600
   st = read("CW.RCC.00.HHZ.D.2020."+jday)
   print("no trace, next")

  for index, tr in enumerate(st): # process each trace in stream 
    count = index + 1 

    if len(st) > 1 and (count < len(st)):  # in case there is more than 1 trace in the stream
      s, f, t, im = plt.specgram(, NFFT=nfft,
                    noverlap=int(nfft*windlap), Fs = 1./, 
                    scale_by_freq=True, detrend="linear", mode="psd")
      plt.colorbar(label='Intensidad (dB)')
      plt.ylabel('Frecuencia (Hz)')
      plt.ylim((0.05, 1.))

  s, f, t, im = plt.specgram(, NFFT=nfft,
                    noverlap=int(nfft*windlap), Fs = 1./, 
                    scale_by_freq=True, detrend="linear", mode="psd")
  stime = etime
  etime = stime + 3600
  st = read("CW.RCC.00.HHZ.D.2020."+jday)
  plt.colorbar(label='Intensidad (dB)')
  plt.ylabel('Frecuencia (Hz)')
  plt.ylim((0.05, 1.))

I want to have a plot similar to this one

Hi, the problem with scaling your code to longer time series is that one year of data will not fit in memory. This is what ObsPy’s PPSD functionality is designed to deal with (among other things, like adding new data). It also basically uses Welch’s method by 1) using overlapping segments by default and 2) using a 10% Tukey window. ObsPy also uses matplotlib functionality under the hood: plt.psd().
You can adjust the duration of each segment to increase your spectral resolution (see the docs). If you want to use a different windowing function, you have to modify the fft_taper() function in for now.
(Btw you might want to try out the CLI wrapper obspy-pssd which I am author of.)

Hi, thank you for your comments. Now I undestand better.

What is this function for?

This command-line script is a wrapper around ObsPy’s PPSD functionality:

Thank you so much. I really appreciate your comments.