Fairly new to ObsPy; sorry a likely naive question, I have SAC files (network=US; station name=GLMI; components; BH1, BH2, BHZ) downloaded using SOD and want to calculate a receiver function using RF. Following the manual, I succeed to read:
from rf import read_rf, rfstats, RFStream
data = read_rf(‘US.GLMI.00.BH?.sac’)
stream = RFStream()
print('aa ', data[0].stats.sac.kstnm) returns:
but the command:
stats = rfstats(station=station, event=event, phase=‘P’, dist_range=(30,90))
returns a NameError:
NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 stats = rfstats(station=station, event=event, phase=‘P’, dist_range=(30,90))
NameError: name ‘station’ is not defined
I guess I do not understand RFStream and how to fill the “station” and “event” fields.