.RAW format to npy

Hello, I recently received seismic data that I requested, and the data is in RAW format. Since this is my first time handling RAW data, I’m unsure how to proceed. Is there anyone who could provide me with some guidelines?

Hi @HYUL, I have not heard of a seismic data format named “RAW”. Is there a format description for it?

Hi @megies , It seems that the data I have is not image data but rather signal data collected before it is converted into image data.

Like I said, without clear information on what the file format is, there is nothing we can do to help, really


I apologize for interfering from a perspective outside of ObsPy but I hope to be able to make a contribution for shedding light onto @HYUL 's question.

RAW is a lightweight format for time-series data [1] which is supported, among others, by gempa’s CAPS server [2]. rifftool [3] provided along with CAPS allows the file conversion to miniSEED on demand and the caps plugin for Seedlink [4] shipping with SeisComP [5] can be used to read RAW data and convert them to miniSEED format automatically and in real time.

In case you are receiving the RAW data from somebody using CAPS you may request the provider to convert the files to miniSEED before delivery or use Seedlink along with the caps plugin for real-time access and conversion to miniSEED. The generated miniSEED data can then be process by your favorite ObsPy tools and scripts.

While SeisComP [4, 5] is OpenSource freeware for which gempa [6] is the main developer, CAPS requires a license issued by gempa.


[1] Data Management — CAPS: Common Acquisition Protocol Server documentation
[2] CAPS documentation — CAPS: Common Acquisition Protocol Server documentation
[3] Access Data on a CAPS Server — CAPS: Common Acquisition Protocol Server documentation
[4] seedlink — SeisComP Release documentation
[5] https://www.seiscomp.de/
[6] https://www.gempa.de/

Thank you very much. If I get the chance, I would like to learn data processing from you! :slight_smile: