Piercing points depth

Hi Tom!

I have two questions:

  1. I am wondering which criteria can I use for choosing for depth for stacking piercing points (in ppoints = stream.ppoints(70)). You choose 70 km depth for your example, but I guess this should change for other areas.
    How I can choose it adequately?

  2. For doing a QC, the computation of the SNR before deconvolution should be done for the verticual component or for the 3 components?

Thanks in advance!


  1. It depends. In general you want to choose a depth in which you expect the interface of interest. 70 km was for a relatively deep interface. You can also test several values. Or consider a migration of the rfs (not yet included in rf).

  2. I suspect everybody does QC different. I think I was calculating SNR for the L-component after rotation, but before deconvolution. If you are interested you can check out the description in my dissertation which is linked in the rf documentation.
