Obspy update failure, following Anaconda failure and subsequent re-install.

Following a complete failure on both my desktop and my laptop, I’ve re-installed Anaconda, but now I cannot get Obspy to install.

Could we PLEASE create an install that does NOT rely upon the cloud for installations?? I need something that I can bring on a memory stick, especially when I try to share this product with associates in places where there is practically no internet, like at seismic stations in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan! Problems like this are serious show stoppers that can set us back by over six months and sometimes even forever.

Guys, I hate to always sounds like a complainer, but I can’t keep up with updates that ‘break stuff’ that used to work! The glitchy reputation of “cloud reliant” code has my colleague pressuring me to go back to antiquated (but perceived as reliable) Fortran programs that have their development roots in code from the early 1970’s.
Here’s what just happened this morning as I desperately try to resuscitate an operating environment for Monday: Thus far, I am still dead!

-Dan Burk, Michigan State University

I’ll second the request for a cloud-free Anaconda installation option. I love being able to update ObsPy easily when I’m at home with a reliable Internet connection, but it can be difficult to install while abroad. When I visit my colleagues in Myanmar, we often have to dedicate a full day just for downloading updates or new packages before any actual training or research can begin. An ObsPy distribution that could be placed on a USB stick for easy installation would be quite useful. Let me know if I can help with this!

Emily Wolin

Well, the Anaconda installer includes (almost) everything ObsPy needs,
so this is no rocket science, actually.

Admittedly, the conda commands have some quirks and edges, but with some
googling it is not too hard to do a completely offline installation of

# online..
cd /tmp
wget ‘https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda2-4.3.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
# to run tests only:

# offline..
$ bash Anaconda2-4.3.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ export PATH=/tmp/anaconda2/bin:$PATH
$ source /tmp/anaconda2/bin/activate root
(root) $ conda create --offline -n new --clone root
(root) $ source /tmp/anaconda2/bin/activate new
# to be able to run tests only (and not needed in py3):
(new) $ conda install --offline /tmp/pbr-1.10.0-py27_0.tar.bz2
(new) $ conda install --offline /tmp/mock-2.0.0-py27_0.tar.bz2
# for obspy, in general
(new) $ conda install --offline /tmp/future-0.16.0-py27_0.tar.bz2
(new) $ conda install --offline /tmp/obspy-1.0.2-py27_1.tar.bz2
(new) $ obspy-runtests

Obviously, you can come up with an infinite number of more complex
scenarios ("i want package xyz at version abc", offline updating of an
existing installation, offline updating of depencies, offline xyz, "my
conda is broken somehow.. help!?" ...), and those might be/will be
harder to tackle, but with some testing before going to
no-internet-country, it's anything but undoable.


P.S.: Also, obviously, during testing such an offline installation, at
the end the obspy test suite should be run to make sure all parts of
obspy are working..

P.P.S.: I'd always strongly advise against using the root environment
for anything other than creating other environments or updating conda
command line tool itself (when necessary). Because.. if the root
environment ends up in a broken state due to an update (it has happended
for me with an update of "requests" package at some point), most conda
management commands can stop to work and things have to fixed the hard
way by tampering with files and folders (which might easily be beyond.

Excellent, thank you Tobias! Will try this out in the next couple of days.
