New ObsPy release 0.8.4

Hi all,

today we released ObsPy version 0.8.4 which fixes a few bugs in 0.8.3.
It does not introduce any new features or behavior changes.
See the changelog for details:

As usual, the release is available from PyPi (install with pip or
easy_install, and github
( The Debian/Ubuntu repository has
been updated, too.

We are working on some more new features (like FDSN web service and
StationXML support) and plan to make the next major release with new
features 0.9.0 within a month or two.

ObsPy dev team

P.S.: Thanks to everybody who's been citing ObsPy in
papers/posters/abstracts during the last years. Always nice to stumble
over one of those.

P.P.S.: The Debian repository now also includes packages for Raspbian