More time to generate daily plot

Hi again,

I have to draw daily plot for 19 stations for 3 components.

During the process, I printed the information about time to finish plotting the station-component, and some of this, is about 5 minutes.
Those stations have sampling at 62.5.
All jobs, require over 30 minutes.

May be this the retard to write image?



Hi Sergio,

a sample script would also be helpful here.

Do you use matplotlib directly? Then you cannot directly plot the data if it gets big. Plotting each value is just too slow in matplotlib. The ObsPy imaging module for example performs some binning, e.g. a kind of downsampling that does not affect the final image):



Hi Lion,

thanks for the link.

I had to add these command

import matplotlib

because the script at trackWave.plot, gives me the error

ValueError: Format "jpg" is not supported.

also if i use the png format

I use the the trackWave.plot

I appreciate your suggestion, but how can I call this routine?
It's already in obspy?
I will have to save the script and import file?
I would try to use plotMinMax to see the graphics effect.
How can I use it?


Hi all,

regarding more time to generate daily plot, I have inserted in log file, the time to elaborate data.

In log file I have this parameters (I do not mention all, but only two channels of them):

Time to reading yesterday waves is 0:00:01.038872 seconds
Time to reading today waves is 0:00:00.652473 seconds
Length data station GAVE = 3
Make plot image of station GAVE channel HNE in 0:00:02.730672 seconds.

Time to reading yesterday waves is 0:00:00.824060 seconds
Time to reading today waves is 0:00:00.601776 seconds
Length data station TREV = 3120
Make plot image of station TREV channel SHZ in 0:03:37.508891 seconds.

Those are the difference between two channel, the first about 1 second, and the second over 3 minutes.

The problem is to elaborate the very long traces, and I do not know why, the output is good.



There isn't anybody who can help me?
