I would appreciate it if someone could help me out. I used the following lines to remove the instrument response, but I was wondering if my procedure is correct? I need to remove the instrument response of this record and check the correlation with my simulation up to 5Hz.
from obspy import read
from obspy.signal.invsim import corn_freq_2_paz
st = read(r"C:\Users\NAV\Desktop\Van018\Alfred_van2015-07-15\ALFS\ALFS_20150715_215948.seed")
st.detrend(type=“polynomial”, order=2) # Adjust the order as needed
paz_sts2 = {‘poles’: [-3.70080e-02-3.70080E-02j, -3.70080E-02+3.70080E-02j,
-5.02650E+02+0.0j, -1.00500E+03+0.0j],
‘zeros’: [0+0j, 0+0j],
‘gain’: 5.71508E8,
You have the low frequency poles so should have the long period corner defined, but
your high frequency shape may be off.
Also, keep in mind that you are only removing the sensor (polezero) and scaling to the overall (midband) sensitivity. Depending on your datalogger, this may or may not be correct.
Thank you for your reply. Someone informed me that the instrument response of the soil (ALFS) and rock (ALFO) is the same. Since ALFO is an unofficial station (not part of the national network), I downloaded the instrument response for ALFO.
client = Client(“IRIS”)
network = “WU”
station = “ALFO”
location = “*”
channel = “HH?” # Channel code
start_time = UTCDateTime(“2015-07-15T21:59:56”) # Start time for metadata
inventory = client.get_stations(network=network, station=station, location=location,
channel=channel, starttime=start_time, level=“response”)
channel = inventory[0][0][2]
response = channel.response
inventory.write(“station_response_ALFO.xml”, format=“STATIONXML”)
I also use this XML file for ALFS.
t = UTCDateTime(“2015-07-15T21:59:56”)
st = read(r"C:\Users\Ns\Desktop\Record data ALFS-ALFO\Alfred basin_vankleek eq 2015-07-15\ALFS\ALFS_20150715_215948.seed", starttime=t, endtime=t+1.5*60)
st.detrend(type=“polynomial”, order=2)
pre_filt = (0.09, 0.1, 5.0, 5.2)
paz_sts2 = {‘poles’: [-0.044422+0.044422j, -0.044422-0.044422j, -502.65+0j, -1005.0+0j, -1131.0+0j],
‘zeros’: [0+0j, 0+0j],
‘gain’: 571508000.0,
st.simulate(paz_remove=paz_sts2, pre_filt=pre_filt)
st.write(“ALFS_data”, format=“TSPAIR”, Units=‘m/s’)
But I am not sure whether this way is correct. I would appreciate it if you could help me find out.