How do I calculate station distance and azimuth using Obspy? Is obspy.clients.iris still broken? Is Obspy broken?

Hi all,
Last year, the Obspy.clients.iris utility quit serving and several of my utilities were broken in the process.
Unfortunately, crunch time arrived today, and I need them for Monday.
I have looked in the documentation, followed the examples at

and it appears to still be broken.

I tried to update my Obspy from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 and now the whole of Obspy has ceased to be functional.
I typed “conda update obspy”…

Now I can’t even import Obspy without receiving an error!

What has just happened?




This is a known problem, please see this ticket:

See my comment:

You should be able to fix your obspy install by manually making that
tiny change in your newly installed obspy 1.0.2.

hope it helps,

Unfortunately, crunch time arrived today, and I need them for Monday.
I have looked in the documentation, followed the examples at

obspy.clients.iris.client.Client.distaz — ObsPy 1.4.0 documentation

and it appears to still be broken.

ObsPy also has local versions of some functionalities of the iris
client. They are documented here:

As this is a bit hard to discover they will also be documented on the
iris client module's main page after this PR
(Document local alternatives to the IRIS web services by krischer · Pull Request #1689 · obspy/obspy · GitHub) has been merged.

