Geosig data format

Hello, I have 4 geodas seismometers and I can’t read data (Geosig) using obspy. Does anyone know how to read the data and convert it to mseed? Thank you for your time and consideration.

What kind of data format is it (binary? ASCII?)?

I did a quick search and found some manual, appendix B talks of an ASCII format, if it is that it would be super easy to read:

Many thanks for your quick reply. I do not know the data type. When I opened it by .txt format it showed unidentified characters, which is unreadable. Here is the example of the data that shows first a few lines:

034589D CH01U20HNZACaç Lœ d @ 0è
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So it is some kind of binary data format… You would need to find the documentation of the data format, then we could see if it is easy to read or not.

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You could try to just contact the manufacturer of the hardware and ask for the data format documentation maybe.

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