Array Response Function

Hello all,

I am new here. Please, I would like to understand how to inform the sensors coordinates into the code available by Obspy. The created array of this code is quite difficult to understand [10., 60., 0.], [200., 50., 0.], [-120., 170., 0.], [-100., -150., 0.], [30., -220., 0.].

The entire code to the Array Response Function:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from import obspy_sequential
from obspy.signal.array_analysis import array_transff_wavenumber

generate array coordinates

coords = np.array([[10., 60., 0.], [200., 50., 0.], [-120., 170., 0.],
[-100., -150., 0.], [30., -220., 0.]])

coordinates in km

coords /= 1000.

set limits for wavenumber differences to analyze

klim = 40.
kxmin = -klim
kxmax = klim
kymin = -klim
kymax = klim
kstep = klim / 100.

compute transfer function as a function of wavenumber difference

transff = array_transff_wavenumber(coords, klim, kstep, coordsys=‘xy’)


plt.pcolor(np.arange(kxmin, kxmax + kstep * 1.1, kstep) - kstep / 2.,
np.arange(kymin, kymax + kstep * 1.1, kstep) - kstep / 2.,
transff.T, cmap=obspy_sequential)

plt.clim(vmin=0., vmax=1.)
plt.xlim(kxmin, kxmax)
plt.ylim(kymin, kymax)

Thank you!