ISC XML problem


I recently found a problem using quakeXML. If I read XML files generated from the USGS page the reader is working, while for the one generated from ISC webpage are not readable in obspy. A typical error message I got is:

lib/python2.7/site-packages/obspy/core/event/base.pyc:325: UserWarning: The resource identifier ‘smi:ISC/magid=603896613’ already exists and points to another object: ‘Magnitude(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(id=“smi:ISC/magid=603896613”), mag=4.1, magnitude_type=‘mb’, origin_id=ResourceIdentifier(id=“smi:ISC/origid=602996724”), station_count=28, creation_info=CreationInfo(author=‘NEIC’))’.It will now point to the object referred to by the new resource identifier.

Hi Piero,

that's just a warning. ObsPy should still have parsed the file and given
you a Catalog object to work with.

It means that the resource id 'smi:ISC/magid=603896613' is used twice in
whatever QuakeML file you passed to it. This is most likely an error
within the QuakeML file - it should be very easy to check by just
grepping over the file - best inform the ISC guys so they fix it on
their side.

Depending on what you want to do you might or might not be able to still
use the file - if you rely on the particular relation that exists twice
within the QuakeML file then you cannot use it.



Hi Lion,

Thanks for the quick answer. You are right the catalog is parsed, but is a

I think is easier if I go straight to my problem. I want go get the ISC
catalog and use the event time to download data. I was using the XML from
the ISC website because using the client only earthquakes before ~2012 are
retrieved. Do you know why? I guess is because only reviewed events are
considered in the catalog from the client. There is an alternative way to
use the client to access the routine solution of the ISC catalog?



Hi Piero,

I confirm your finding that the ISC FDSN client only contains events
until 2012 but I have no idea why that is. Maybe someone else does?

If you use `Client("ISC")` in ObsPy it just connects to a mirror at IRIS
( - maybe the mirror is not
updated anymore? But I also could not find an official fdsnws event
service of ISC.

On the other hand it would be quite simple to add an ISC specific client
to ObsPy - I added a new issue on Github if somebody wants to tackle it:



Hi Lion,

Just that you know, ISC changed the xml on the website after I reported
them the problem. With the new one the warning is gone,
